With over 1.7 billion active users every month, you’d need to be selling something very obscure to not appeal to at least some of these users. Moreover. Facebook has so much data about these users – age, gender, location, interests, etc. – that companies today can target these users with laser precision. And not only can these users be targeted, companies need only pay if a user actually clicks on one of the ads.
But, it’s not all sweetness and light. It can be quite expensive to pay for these clicks and there is no guarantee the ‘clicker’ will go on to make a purchase. There is a science to leading consumers along the buyer journey from clicking on an ad to making a purchase and this should not be taken lightly. Research suggests that consumers require an average of 6 ‘exposures’ to a brand before they will make a purchase.
Social Media Examiner recently published an article about ways in which companies can use Facebook to generate new Sales and Leads. You can read the full article by clicking here, but we summarise the key learning outcomes here:
1. Start Posting Videos: Video on Facebook accounts for just 0.9% of all posts, but this same 0.9% of posts accounts for 7.15% of all reach on the network. And that number is growing. You don’t need to be an expert to make videos. The quality of video on mobile phones is excellent these days and is more than sufficient for what you will need.
2. Set Up Saved Audiences: Facebook Business Manager allows you to narrow your audience down to your precise target market, based on a wide selection of filters. It also shows you exactly how much it will cost to advertise to these people, before you spend anything. Once you have decided on what that audience will be, Facebook allows you to save this for when you are ready to commence (or repeat) a campaign.
3. Run a Re-targeting Campaign: Re-targeting enables you to advertise to people who’ve already visited your website. All you have to do is install Facebook’s tracking pixel on your website, and wait for visitors to roll in.
4. Add Captioning to your Videos: 90% of viewers on Facebook watch videos without sound, meaning that your captions are going to be read by a majority of your viewers. Either add the captions yourself or hire someone on Fiverr to do it for you. For about five bucks you’ll get an accurate SRT file that you can upload to Facebook in a couple of clicks.
5. Add a Call To Action Button on your Facebook Page: On your Facebook Business Page, you can add a call to action that sits in the bottom right-hand corner of your cover photo. These buttons make it easy for your fans to get in touch with your business – don’t miss out on some extra site traffic.
6. Upload your E-mail List to your Facebook Account: If you have a large e-mail list, you need to upload it to Facebook. Once it’s finished loading, you’ll be able to advertise to every single e-mail that’s associated with a Facebook account. Similar to re-targeting, this practice is great because it enables you to utilize multiple touch points with your potential customers.
7. Respond Quickly to Messages on your Page: There’s more and more evidence indicating that Facebook is calculating response time into their algorithm, so be sure to respond to messages. Your response time will also be live on your page, so fans will be able to see how quickly you interact with them.
8. Embed your Facebook Content: Mixing together different forms of content is a great way to create more touch points with your potential customers. Facebook makes it easy to embed content – just click in the upper right-hand corner of your post, copy, and paste.
9. Shoot Live Video: With Video becoming more and more important on Facebook, now is the time to learn how to present Live Video on Facebook. The most important reason to test out live video is the increased reach. Live videos get a boost in Facebook’s algorithm, giving you a push into more and more people’s feeds.
10. Have Fun: Remember, Facebook is a social media channel where people come to be entertained and learn new things. This is not LinkedIn! If you’re having fun, there’s a better chance your Fans are having fun also!
If you would like help implementing any of the above ideas, contact us here at Aspire Digital and we’d be delighted to help.