Email Marketing 101

Email marketing is, believe it or not, still a thing. In fact, we’d argue it’s as popular as ever, if not even more. With the rise of content marketing, which essentially tries to trick people into believing that posts are informative or fun, but are in fact marketing pieces, people seem to have found respect […]
Digital Marketing Tools 101

Digital marketing; it’s everywhere. You Google something? Ads are the first thing you see. Browsing social media? Ads pop up on your timeline. Get an email from someone you don’t know? Chances are it’s a direct marketing email (or yet another company updating their privacy policy following GDPR). So how can you use digital marketing […]
The Ongoing Importance of 'Email Marketing'

Email Marketing should be an essential element of your Digital Strategy. With the advances in technology and subsequent growth of social media, search engine optimisation and mobile marketing you could be forgiven for thinking that ‘old fashioned’ methods of marketing such as email marketing have become more and more redundant, right? Well think again!!! Email […]