Video Advertising on LinkedIn

With the numbers to prove it successful, LinkedIn recently decided to immerse itself in B2B video. As a marketer, the hardest task to accomplish is capturing the right audience. With B2B video, users now have the ability to create content that reaches audiences the right way. Videos are more enjoyable to watch over traditional ads […]
Grant assistance for Retailers – Covid-19 Online Retail Scheme

The government has launched Covid-19 Online Retail Scheme. this new scheme provides support for retailers and is delivered through the Enterprise Ireland. With this grant, a qualifying retailer can access funds of up to €40,000 to improve online presence and devise marketing strategy.
Email Marketing 101

Email marketing is, believe it or not, still a thing. In fact, we’d argue it’s as popular as ever, if not even more. With the rise of content marketing, which essentially tries to trick people into believing that posts are informative or fun, but are in fact marketing pieces, people seem to have found respect […]
Digital Marketing Tools 101

Digital marketing; it’s everywhere. You Google something? Ads are the first thing you see. Browsing social media? Ads pop up on your timeline. Get an email from someone you don’t know? Chances are it’s a direct marketing email (or yet another company updating their privacy policy following GDPR). So how can you use digital marketing […]
How to create a mobile-friendly website that converts

Having a mobile-friendly site is a necessity with the increased amount of smartphone usage today. We give you the essentials on mobile development.
Facebook Split Testing

Facebook Ads; it’s hard enough as it is to use the platform, so why go complicating things by making two sets of ads? The answer; results. Facebook Split Testing allows you to see what your target market react well to and what your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are. Does it take time and effort? Yes, […]
How Much Does A Website Cost?

How much does a website cost? This is the first question we hear from most prospective clients, yet each and every time, our answer is the same; ‘It depends’. The price is based on the complexity of the site and hours spent creating it, so it’s hard to have a set price that accommodates what […]
Best Way To Improve Content Marketing

Content Marketing; the creation and distribution of relevant, valuable content to a defined audience. Sounds easy, right? In the words of Donald Trump; ‘wrong’. It’s the 21st century, people spot content marketing a mile away and skip right past it without batting an eyelid. Except, it seems, when it comes to videos. Is this the […]
The Top 2018 Digital Marketing Trends

Every year brings about new trends and 2018 is no different. Technological advancements and the growing minds of marketers continue to work together to develop the best digital marketing strategies for businesses. Here are some of the top digital marketing trends of 2018: An Increase in Video Content: Let’s be honest, most people would rather […]
Digital Marketing For A Successful Startup

‘Setting up a company in Ireland’ is a popular search term in Google, and according to the Journal, ‘61 new companies were formed every day’ in 2017. That’s a considerable amount, so why haven’t we heard about the overwhelming majority of them? Mainly because they barely tick over, which certainly wasn’t their ambitions when they […]